In my last post, I mentioned I was excited to get a number of items back into my track plan. One of those was Wicomico St. It was important to me to include some version of Wicomico in the plan, and the thought of having to lose it really bugged …
Posted ByJoe Parker
Category HalethorpeTrack PlanWicomico St.
In the Spring a young man’s fancy lightly turns to thoughts of… track planning? (Apologies to Tennyson.) The bug hit—hard—last weekend to revisit my track plan. I then realized a similar urge hit me right around the same time last year. I’m not sure if track planning gets in my …
Posted ByJoe Parker
Category Eastern Ave.HalethorpeLayout DesignTrack PlanWicomico St.
My layout room is a mess. (What does this have to do with track plans, you ask? Bear with me.) If you’ve watched any of the videos I’ve posted on my YouTube channel, you might think that my layout room is a pristine oasis. You’d be so So SO wrong. …