I previously talked about the layout of the General Motors plant and how I thought it would easily translate to a track plan. And for the most part, it did. At right is my original track plan covering the area in and around GM, including Penn Mary Yard and the …
I’ve talked about how daunting it can be to model an auto assembly plant. They can be massive, sprawling affairs with lots of buildings and scale miles of track. But in this case I got lucky. The way that this plant was laid out made things pretty compact, which definitely …
* Let’s be honest. No one would know this unless: you’re from the Baltimore area and paid close attention you worked there or you’re a weirdo like me Based on a previous post, you may have known that, for many years, General Motors had a large assembly plant in Baltimore. …
Once I had my concept in place, and a draft of the track plan I was happy with (I’ve come to believe that a track plan is never complete, it’s just the latest draft, but more on that later), it was time to start building. I made the decision long …
I’ve never understood the layout builders who just… start. They start building without really knowing where they’ll end up. I mean, I get it. You’re excited and want to just go, but the idea of having no track plan and just building whatever comes to mind seems… wrong. I believe in …