In the Spring a young man’s fancy lightly turns to thoughts of… track planning? (Apologies to Tennyson.) The bug hit—hard—last weekend to revisit my track plan. I then realized a similar urge hit me right around the same time last year. I’m not sure if track planning gets in my …
My layout room is a mess. (What does this have to do with track plans, you ask? Bear with me.) If you’ve watched any of the videos I’ve posted on my YouTube channel, you might think that my layout room is a pristine oasis. You’d be so So SO wrong. …
Although I’m committed to building the layout in sections (as discussed here and here) that doesn’t mean I’m not prone to letting my mind wander to the future. The General Motors trackage and Penn Mary/Canton yard tracks and leads are in place and operational, track for Consolidated Coal is nearly …
Once upon a time, in the city of Baltimore, there was an auto plant… Joe wanted to model it, so he drew a track plan for it, built it, nailed it, and lived happily ever after. If only it were so simple.
I previously talked about the layout of the General Motors plant and how I thought it would easily translate to a track plan. And for the most part, it did. At right is my original track plan covering the area in and around GM, including Penn Mary Yard and the …
I’ve talked about how daunting it can be to model an auto assembly plant. They can be massive, sprawling affairs with lots of buildings and scale miles of track. But in this case I got lucky. The way that this plant was laid out made things pretty compact, which definitely …
I’ve never understood the layout builders who just… start. They start building without really knowing where they’ll end up. I mean, I get it. You’re excited and want to just go, but the idea of having no track plan and just building whatever comes to mind seems… wrong. I believe in …